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Writer's pictureV_Devlin

How to treat a room for an acoustic set up

When treating a room to suit any type of vocal recording first you need to know about the voice you are recording and the range and also how their voice travels in a room. You also need to study the environment of the recording space, Take note of any reflective surfaces that can change the way the voice travels through a room. Generally the voice or sound source when it finds a reflective surface will bounce back around the room and this can cause what's called spill or splash back in your recording. This can cause an unwanted delay or general broken noise from the sound source to be picked up through the microphone.

In this vocal session an AKG D5 microphone was used. The AKG D5 Microphone was used specifically because it is a dynamic microphone and even in the noisiest stage of a song or performance it still gives the vocal a powerful sound. To contain the voice however we decide to mimic a mic thing by using echo felt boards that were available in the studio space we were using. By using these felt boards and having the artist face away from the viewing glass that is in the studio we were able to have the vocal go straight into the mic and then the spill or leftover sounds would be absorb by the felt boards. Reducing the capture of unnecessary sounds or vocal spills.

Mic Thing, absorbs spill from sound source

giant mic thing made out of echo felt boards

In another recording session I was part of we had to treat a room to record a drum kit, an acoustic guitar and some vocals. The drums were set up at the back of the room and facing slightly off centre towards the left of the room (from the view point of the drummer) This was done so that the sound of the drums could be directed towards the sound proofed walls and to contain the sound within the space, making the place feel smaller. This would make it easier to capture the sound from each part of the drum kit without capturing too many other frequencies within the room. Then the acoustic guitar set up was in the centre of the room and on the right wall facing the opposing wall (from the viewpoint from the back of the room) To make this space more ideal for a cleaner acoustic guitar recording some echo felt boards were placed around this set up to help contain the sound in the space.

echo felt boards to treat and contain the acoustic space for guitar recording

Then we had the vocalist setup in the front area of the recording space. To acoustically treat the space for a clean and clear as possible recording we had the vocalist facing to the right of the space towards the wall (away from the reflective glass) We also had the vocalist sing into a microphone with a mic thing behind it to absorb any missed frequencies. (n.d.). Acoustic Treatment Setup 101: How to Treat Your Room for High Fidelity Listening & Mixing. [online] Available at: .

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